Avaliação em Pares e Autoavaliação: Um Modelo Estatístico Para Perfilação de Alunos
Making the evaluation of learning adherent to the students in order to allow a real characterization of the classroom is a common challenge for te- achers. When working with many students, the use of self-assessment and peer review supported by technological tools increases the possibility of perceiving individual challenges. This paper presents a self-assessment and peer review approach integrated with a distance learning platform. We describe a proce- dure for tracing learning profiles by analyzing the correlation of the students? evaluations among themselves and the teacher. In doing so, we demonstrate the usefulness of the statistical set of tools to highlight the students who came close to the expected teacher?s evaluation and those who did not achieve the goal.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2018.1653