Uma análise sobre o desenvolvimento participativo de jogos educacionais voltados para a terceira idade

Ezequiel Duque, Michelle Nery Nascimento, Guilherme Fonseca, Felipe Soares, Hebert Pereira, Lucila Ishitani


In Brazil, the elderly population (60 years or more) grew by 4.8 million from 2012 to 2017. With the increased life expectancy, it is important to create applications for older people to continue to learn and be able to keep up with the changes. This article aims to verify the contributions that the elderly could provide in the process of developing educational games for their age group if Participatory Design was used. Adopting a qualitative methodology, data collection was based on interviews and data analysis, in the Affinity Diagram. The results show the elderly can contribute and should be involved in the process of developing educational games that meet their needs.

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