Jogo para Mensuração de Habilidades Preditoras de Leitura: Construção e Análise

Jucelio Santos, Monilly Melo, Dalton Serey, Jorge César Abrantes de Figueiredo, Carla Minervino


The objective of this paper is to present a description of the development of a digital game in order to improve the screening capacity of children in the identification of dyslexia signs in assessments of the cognitive abilities predictive of reading development. The game is an adaptation of the ?Teste de Habilidades Preditoras da Leitura?, a psychometric instrument built and validated in Brazil. The game is administered by an adaptive selection of items and designed to measure the skills of alliteration, segmentation, visual memory and rhyme by of Item Response Theory. As a result, the paper highlights the importance of the use of game elements associated to computerized adaptive assessment and its effective applicability conditions.

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