Avaliação de uma abordagem para auxiliar a correção de erros de aprendizes de programação

Galileu Santos de Jesus, Kleber Santos, Jaine Conceição, Elisalvo Ribeiro, Alberto Costa Neto


This paper presents a proposal to support teaching-learning of computer programming, improving the online judge The Huxley by including feedback messages that are easily understood by the learners of the initial programming disciplines and guiding them through the syntax errors presented when performing a submission to the online judge. In order to evaluate this approach, a case study with undergraduate classes was also conducted. A controlled experiment, including an analysis with statistical tests confirms the hypothesis, where the approach increased the ability to correct errors, especially among students with low english proficiency that have succeeded in the initial programming discipline.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2018.1