Webjornalismo em Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem
Resumo: Os ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem possuem pontos fracos em comum: eles não possuem uma maneira de estimular as interações entre usuários de diferentes grupos e não possui um mecanismo eficiente para veicular, para a sua respectiva comunidade de usuários, notícias e opiniões sobre o conhecimento registrado nesses ambientes. Então, este artigo apresenta um sistema de webjornalismo para melhorar esses ambientes.
Abstract: The virtual environments of learning have two weak points in common: they dont have a way to stimulate the interaction between users of different groups and don't have a efficient mechanism to transmit, to the respective user community, news and opinions about the registered knowledge in the environments. So, this paper presents a webjournalism system to improve these environments.
Abstract: The virtual environments of learning have two weak points in common: they dont have a way to stimulate the interaction between users of different groups and don't have a efficient mechanism to transmit, to the respective user community, news and opinions about the registered knowledge in the environments. So, this paper presents a webjournalism system to improve these environments.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2007.201-205