Objetos de aprendizagem e a construção de significados em Termodinâmica
Resumo: A elaboração de aparatos flexíveis e facilitadores da construção de significados é uma necessidade para adequar o ensino-aprendizagem de Física às metodologias coerentes com a Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa de David Ausubel. O NOA (UFPB) – Núcleo de Construção de Objetos de Aprendizagem produz, em Flash, tais recursos potencialmente significativos, denominados de Objetos de Aprendizagem (OA). Os aplicativos se compõem de partes interligadas como: textos, vinhetas, mapa conceitual, avaliação formativa, animação interativa, ajuda e guia do professor. Neste trabalho discutiremos os recursos usados para ampliar a percepção do usuário e os frameworks que facilitam a interatividade e a criação de novos OA.
Abstract: The elaboration of flexible devices in order make easy the construction of meanings is a important need to adjust the teach-learning of Physics to the coherent methodologies with the Meaningful Learning Theory of David Ausubel. NOA (UFPB) - Nucleus of Learning Object Construction produces, in Flash, such potentially significant resources, called of Learning Objects (LO). The software if composed of linked parts as: texts, prompts, concept map, formative assessment, interactive animation, help and teach guide. In this work we show the used resources to extend the perception of the student, and frameworks that they facilitate to the interactivity and the creation of new LO.
Abstract: The elaboration of flexible devices in order make easy the construction of meanings is a important need to adjust the teach-learning of Physics to the coherent methodologies with the Meaningful Learning Theory of David Ausubel. NOA (UFPB) - Nucleus of Learning Object Construction produces, in Flash, such potentially significant resources, called of Learning Objects (LO). The software if composed of linked parts as: texts, prompts, concept map, formative assessment, interactive animation, help and teach guide. In this work we show the used resources to extend the perception of the student, and frameworks that they facilitate to the interactivity and the creation of new LO.
Texto completo:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2007.180-183