Caracterização das Ênfases de Educação e Treinamento em Ambientes Virtuais 3D
Resumo: É comum encontrar aplicações de Realidade Virtual (RV) voltadas para a aprendizagem. Um modelo conceitual já foi proposto para a diferenciação entre as ênfases educacionais e/ou de treinamento. Este artigo mostra como tal modelo pode ser aplicado em dois estudos de caso de Ambientes Virtuais 3D (AV) e tece algumas conclusões sobre este processo. Com o melhor entendimento das diferenças, melhor será o projeto de AVs com estas características.
Abstract: It is a common place to find applications of Virtual Reality aimed at the learning process. A conceptual differentiation model has been proposed to better identifying the educational and/or training emphasis. This paper shows how to apply such model to 3D Virtual Environments (VE) case studies and draws some conclusions from this process. It is believed that by better understanding the differences one can better design VEs with such features.
Abstract: It is a common place to find applications of Virtual Reality aimed at the learning process. A conceptual differentiation model has been proposed to better identifying the educational and/or training emphasis. This paper shows how to apply such model to 3D Virtual Environments (VE) case studies and draws some conclusions from this process. It is believed that by better understanding the differences one can better design VEs with such features.
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