ExperiWiki: abordando a concepção de repositórios de experiência docente a partir de Wikis semânticos
Resumo: Estudos sobre o ofício docente defendem que a colaboração pode motivar o compromisso mútuo e fomentar o desenvolvimento progressivo. O estado-da-arte em Informática na Educação sugere o estabelecimento de redes formais de docentes apoiadas por computador. O ambiente doceNet é proposto para estruturar e organizar discussões entre docentes de uma mesma área temática, buscando-se a melhoria contínua e o registro formal de melhores práticas didáticas. Entretanto, na concepção atual de doceNet, as informações são armazenadas apenas sintaticamente, o que dificulta sua recuperação. Busca-se abordar tal limitação a partir de Wikis semânticos, como forma de prover uma inter-relação entre informação não estruturada e linguagens mais acessíveis a máquina, tais como Ontologias.
Abstract: Studies on teaching profession claim that collaboration might motivate mutual engagement and promote progressive development. The state-of-the-art in Computer Science in Education suggests the establishment of formal computer-based teachers’ networks. Docenet is an environment proposed to organize discussions among teachers sharing a thematic area, aiming continuous improvement and formal registering of best teaching practices. However, within the current design of doceNet information is only syntactically stored, rendering it difficult to retrieve. We approach such a lack from semantic Wikis, as a way to provide inter-relation between non-structured information and machine-accessible languages, such as Ontologies.
Abstract: Studies on teaching profession claim that collaboration might motivate mutual engagement and promote progressive development. The state-of-the-art in Computer Science in Education suggests the establishment of formal computer-based teachers’ networks. Docenet is an environment proposed to organize discussions among teachers sharing a thematic area, aiming continuous improvement and formal registering of best teaching practices. However, within the current design of doceNet information is only syntactically stored, rendering it difficult to retrieve. We approach such a lack from semantic Wikis, as a way to provide inter-relation between non-structured information and machine-accessible languages, such as Ontologies.
Texto completo:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2007.1-4