Contextualização de jogos educacionais utilizando conhecimento de senso comum
Resumo: Quando um professor de adolescentes propõe em sala de aula o tema métodos contraceptivos, uma de suas preocupações é abordar situações que ele acredite ser familiar ao aprendiz, como “a tabelinha não é um dos métodos mais eficazes”. Mas o professor sabe qual método é o utilizado naquele grupo de alunos? Propõe-se aqui um jogo computacional web apoiado pelo conhecimento de senso comum para abordar os temas transversais do currículo escolar, como orientação sexual, auxiliando o professor na contextualização do conteúdo apresentado à cultura local dos alunos, promovendo o aprendizado significativo, onde um novo conhecimento é relacionado ao conhecimento já existente na estrutura cognitiva do aluno.
Abstract: When an adolescents' teacher proposes in classroom the subject contraceptive methods, one of his worry is situations board that he believes to be a relative to an apprentice, like “the periodic abstinence is not one of the most efficient methods”. But does the teacher know which method is used in that group of students? There proposes here a computational web game supported by the knowledge of common sense to board the transversal themes of the curriculum, like sexual orientation, helping the teacher in the context of the content presented to the local culture of the students, promoting the significant apprenticeship, where a new knowledge is related to an already existent knowledge in the cognitive structure of the student.
Abstract: When an adolescents' teacher proposes in classroom the subject contraceptive methods, one of his worry is situations board that he believes to be a relative to an apprentice, like “the periodic abstinence is not one of the most efficient methods”. But does the teacher know which method is used in that group of students? There proposes here a computational web game supported by the knowledge of common sense to board the transversal themes of the curriculum, like sexual orientation, helping the teacher in the context of the content presented to the local culture of the students, promoting the significant apprenticeship, where a new knowledge is related to an already existent knowledge in the cognitive structure of the student.
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