Laptops Educacionais de Baixo Custo: Prospectos e Desafios
Resumo: O MIT Media Lab iniciou em 2005 um projeto para desenvolver um laptop de baixo custo, inicialmente denominado de “laptop de 100 dólares”. Em conseqüência desse projeto, com implicações na educação de crianças em todo o mundo, outras iniciativas similares surgiram. O governo brasileiro mostrou interesse na idéia e estuda formas de aplicá-la ao sistema de ensino público no país. Considerando o estágio ainda inicial de discussão sobre a questão e sua relevância para a Comunidade Brasileira de Informática na Educação, este artigo apresenta e discute resultados de uma análise preliminar realizada em três modelos de laptops educacionais em consideração pelo Governo. A análise baseou-se em uma inspeção dos equipamentos utilizando um framework semiótico. Resultados de análises apontam para questões de amplo espectro que devem ser discutidas pelas iniciativas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de tais equipamentos.
Abstract: In 2005, the MIT Media Lab initiated a project to develop a laptop of low cost, initially called “laptop of 100 dollars”. In consequence of this project, with implications in the education of children in the whole world, other similar initiatives appeared. The Brazilian government showed interest in the idea and now studies ways to apply it to the system of public education in the country. Considering the initial period of discussion on the question and its relevance for the Brazilian Community of Informatics in Education, this paper presents results of a preliminary analysis of three educational models of laptops in consideration by the Government. The analysis was based on an inspection of the equipment using a semiotic-based framework. Results of analysis point out a wide range of questions that should be discussed by initiatives of research and development of such machines.
Abstract: In 2005, the MIT Media Lab initiated a project to develop a laptop of low cost, initially called “laptop of 100 dollars”. In consequence of this project, with implications in the education of children in the whole world, other similar initiatives appeared. The Brazilian government showed interest in the idea and now studies ways to apply it to the system of public education in the country. Considering the initial period of discussion on the question and its relevance for the Brazilian Community of Informatics in Education, this paper presents results of a preliminary analysis of three educational models of laptops in consideration by the Government. The analysis was based on an inspection of the equipment using a semiotic-based framework. Results of analysis point out a wide range of questions that should be discussed by initiatives of research and development of such machines.
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