Uma hipermídia educacional: adaptativa através do uso de redes neurais artificiais
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta uma metodologia que realiza a adaptação na apresentação do conteúdo de uma hipermídia educacional utilizando as redes neurais artificiais dos tipos MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) e IAC (Interaction Activation and Competition). No desenvolvimento de tal metodologia foi definido que a adaptação seria centrada na apresentação, com uso de diferentes mídias e a característica do usuário deveria ser baseada na Teoria das Inteligências Múltiplas (IMs), desenvolvida por Howard Gardner. Na avaliação e validação da metodologia, um protótipo de um treinamento on- line foi desenvolvido, enfocando a utilização de um equipamento médico- hospitalar, com apresentação do material em diferentes mídias adaptadas às IMs do usuário.
Abstract: This article presents a methodology to accomplish adaptation in the presentation of the content of a education hypermedia for the Web being used of the types MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) and IAC (Interaction Activation and Competition) neural network. In the design of such methodology was defined that would be an adaptation centered only in the presentation, with the use of different medias and the user's characteristic would be based in the Theory of the Multiple Intelligences (IMs), developed by Howard Gardner. In way to evaluate and to validate the methodology, a prototype of an on-line training was developed, focused in a presentation of a doctor-hospitable equipment it was developed, in the sense of supplying the presentation of the material in different medias adapting to the (IMs) of the user.
Abstract: This article presents a methodology to accomplish adaptation in the presentation of the content of a education hypermedia for the Web being used of the types MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) and IAC (Interaction Activation and Competition) neural network. In the design of such methodology was defined that would be an adaptation centered only in the presentation, with the use of different medias and the user's characteristic would be based in the Theory of the Multiple Intelligences (IMs), developed by Howard Gardner. In way to evaluate and to validate the methodology, a prototype of an on-line training was developed, focused in a presentation of a doctor-hospitable equipment it was developed, in the sense of supplying the presentation of the material in different medias adapting to the (IMs) of the user.
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