InterActua: Modelo de Análise de Ações de Mediação Pedagógica em Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem Baseada em Registros Padronizados

Gustavo Schwarz, João Gluz


Virtual learning environments should not represent only a digital medium for storing and sharing data. They should be useful for students and teachers in the learning mediation. Monitoring activities in these tools is of great importance to make their most efficient use. However, only summarize quantitatively activity records, may not be enough. It is important to assess qualitative issues, identifying features that enable personalized learning. Another problem is that for every existing environment, the records of the activities are stored in a proprietary format. For the present work this problem will be addressed through a computer model based on three fundamental assumptions: a socio-historical approach for education, the use of standards to register activities in an educational environment and the application of Semantic Web technologies to operationalize ontological and dynamic aspects of the model. After the presentation of the main features of this model, this paper concludes by presenting the results of preliminary experiments for evaluating the capabilities of this model.

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