Musikinésia: Jogo Eletrônico para o Aprendizado de Teclado Musical

Rogério Augusto Bordini, Joice Otsuka, Delano Beder, Lucas Ferreira Fonseca, Pablo Augusto Gonçalves de Freitas, Antônio Pedro Avanzi Nunes, Daniel Lopes Santiago, Glauber Santiago


This paper presents the educational game Musikinésia which was designed to help students of music courses in the identification of a musical keyboard, in addition to teaching other basic musical concepts such as tempo, accidentals and music reading. Beyond discussing how game-based learning can effectively contribute with teaching-learning process of musical content and specific care required for good educational games development, the main stages of the Musikinésias development process are presented, emphasizing both the results obtained by testing it with the target audience and how it helped teacher in their teaching process.

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