Avaliação do uso de realidade aumentada e gamificação para o treinamento de habilidades em laparoscopia

Luis Fernando M S Silva, Julian Valerio, Windson Viana, Alysson Diniz dos Santos, Fernando Trinta, Antônio Aldo Melo Filho, Antonio Melo


Minimally Invasive Surgeries (MIS) require learning and training of non-conventional skills of surgeons (e.g., hand-eye coordination, manual dexterity and precision). In laparoscopic box-trainers, these skills can be practiced with simple navigation and coordination activities. In this paper, we propose to extend laparoscopic box-trainers with Augmented Reality (AR) and Gamification techniques. Our proposal introduces an extra camera, and uses tracking algorithms in order to monitor movements of the manipulated objects. With this approach, we are able to observe the user performance during the training activity (e.g., time to finish the activity, errors). We designed and developed two activities for navigation skills training. An initial user evaluation conducted with a group of eighteen users was implemented. Results indicate a good usability acceptance of the box-trainer. We also observed a significant difference in performance between surgeons and students of the first year of residency.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2015.627