Proposta de Repositório Inteligente para Jogos Cooperativos Educacionais
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de um repositório inteligente de jogos cooperativos educacionais modelados como objetos de aprendizagem, com o propósito de prover jogos adequados para uso em ambientes computadorizados de aprendizagem. Os jogos do repositório poderão, de acordo com as estratégias pedagógicas adotadas e perfil dos aprendizes, serem usados em atividades de aprendizagem individuais ou cooperativas, no modo presencial ou à distância. A modelagem do repositório contemplará várias fases, dentre as quais incluem-se as seguintes: criação de uma taxonomia para o domínio de jogos, baseada na classificação facetada; criação de uma ontologia para jogos cooperativos educacionais; e a modelagem de um repositório semântico de objetos de aprendizagem do tipo jogo.
Abstract: This paper presents a proposal of an intelligent repository for educational cooperative games modeled as learning objects, with the purpose to provide suitable games for use in intelligent tutoring systems and learning collaborative. The games in the repository, in accordance with the pedagogical strategies adopted and learner’s profile, may be used in individual or cooperative learning’s activities, in a classroom setting or at a distance. The modeling of the repository will contemplate some phases, amongst which the following are included: creation of a taxonomy for the games’ domain, based in the faceted classification; creation of an ontology for educational cooperative games; and the modeling of a semantic repository of learning object of the kind game.
Abstract: This paper presents a proposal of an intelligent repository for educational cooperative games modeled as learning objects, with the purpose to provide suitable games for use in intelligent tutoring systems and learning collaborative. The games in the repository, in accordance with the pedagogical strategies adopted and learner’s profile, may be used in individual or cooperative learning’s activities, in a classroom setting or at a distance. The modeling of the repository will contemplate some phases, amongst which the following are included: creation of a taxonomy for the games’ domain, based in the faceted classification; creation of an ontology for educational cooperative games; and the modeling of a semantic repository of learning object of the kind game.
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