Ensino e Aprendizagem de Algoritmos com o AlgoLC
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta o AlgoLC, um sistema que dá suporte ao ensino e aprendizagem de algoritmos. O AlgoLC fornece para o professor elementos que permitem identificar as dúvidas e erros dos estudantes quando escrevem um algoritmo. O companheiro de aprendizagem interage com o estudante auxiliando-o a identificar e corrigir seus próprios erros. O AlgoLC é caracterizado como um Sistema Companheiro de Aprendizagem.
Abstract: This paper presents AlgoLC, a system that supports teaching and learning algorithms. AlgoLC provides the teacher with elements to better identify the students’ doubts and errors when they are writing an algorithm. The learning companion interacts with the student helping to identify and correct his or her own mistakes. AlgoLC is characterized as a Learning Companion System.
Abstract: This paper presents AlgoLC, a system that supports teaching and learning algorithms. AlgoLC provides the teacher with elements to better identify the students’ doubts and errors when they are writing an algorithm. The learning companion interacts with the student helping to identify and correct his or her own mistakes. AlgoLC is characterized as a Learning Companion System.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2006.408-417