Metodologia de desenvolvimento de objetos de aprendizagem com foco na aprendizagem significativa
Resumo: O ensino e a aprendizagem de conceitos físicos tem sido um desafio para professores e alunos de todo o país. Objetivando facilitar estes processos e torná-los mais eficazes, tem-se no uso de objetos digitais de aprendizagem uma valiosa ferramenta pedagógica. É na teoria ausubeliana da aprendizagem significativa que são encontrados conceitos que servem de alicerce na idealização destas ferramentas. Com base nessa idéia, o objeto de aprendizagem sugerido neste trabalho é composto pelos seguintes componentes: textos eletrônicos, mapas conceituais e animação interativa, que buscam explorar o lúdico, os conhecimentos prévios do aprendiz e sua experiência pessoal com o material pedagógico.
Abstract: The advance in the process of teaching concepts in the field of Physics has been a challenge to teachers and students all over the country. In order to make this process easier and more efficient, we can make use of digital objects concerning learning, which is a valuable pedagogical tool. In the Ausubelian theory of meaningful learning, we find concepts that work as a principle in the idealization of such tools. Bearing this idea in mind, the objects used for learning purposes suggested in this work are formed by the following components: electronics texts, conceptual maps and interactive animation, all of them exploring playfulness, previous knowledge of the learner and his personal experience with the pedagogical material.
Abstract: The advance in the process of teaching concepts in the field of Physics has been a challenge to teachers and students all over the country. In order to make this process easier and more efficient, we can make use of digital objects concerning learning, which is a valuable pedagogical tool. In the Ausubelian theory of meaningful learning, we find concepts that work as a principle in the idealization of such tools. Bearing this idea in mind, the objects used for learning purposes suggested in this work are formed by the following components: electronics texts, conceptual maps and interactive animation, all of them exploring playfulness, previous knowledge of the learner and his personal experience with the pedagogical material.
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