Sistema de Animação de Humanos Virtuais Voltado para o Ensino de Libras
Resumo: Os surdos possuem a capacidade de utilizar a lıngua oral para se comunicar limitada e por isso tem como lıngua materna as lınguas gestuais. Devido a massiva utilização de gestos e da sua dissociação da escrita, o ensino de linguagens de sinais requer o suporte de recursos não usuais no ensino de outras lınguas. Este trabalho propoe o desenvolvimento de um sistema de apresentação para Libras (a lıngua brasileira de sinais) através da animação de humanos virtuais, dedicado ao ensino deste tipo de linguagem para indivıduos surdos e não surdos. O artigo descreve não apenas a arquitetura do sistema, mas também discute e apresenta a implementação de outros parâmetros importantes na geração dos movimentos, como: espaço de enunciação, velocidade, tempo e amplitude dos gestos. Os resultados são apresentados e discutidos.
Abstract: Deaf people have a limited capacity of using oral language to communicate. Because of this, they use gestural languages as their native language. As these languages are dissociated from written languages and are massively based on gestures, the education on sign languages involves the use of a kind of resources normally not used in other languages education. This work proposes the development of a system to present Libras (Brazilian sign language) by animating virtual humans. The system is dedicated for the education of deaf and non-deaf people. The paper describes the system architecture, discuss and present the implementation of other important parameters involved in the movement generation: the enunciation space, the velocity, the time and the gesture amplitude. The results are presented and discussed.
Abstract: Deaf people have a limited capacity of using oral language to communicate. Because of this, they use gestural languages as their native language. As these languages are dissociated from written languages and are massively based on gestures, the education on sign languages involves the use of a kind of resources normally not used in other languages education. This work proposes the development of a system to present Libras (Brazilian sign language) by animating virtual humans. The system is dedicated for the education of deaf and non-deaf people. The paper describes the system architecture, discuss and present the implementation of other important parameters involved in the movement generation: the enunciation space, the velocity, the time and the gesture amplitude. The results are presented and discussed.
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