Uma Ferramenta para Adequação de Múltiplos Contextos para Objetos de Aprendizagem
Resumo: Em ambientes de Educação a Distância (EAD), promover e estimular o reuso e a interoperabilidade dos recursos educacionais tanto diminui os custos quanto possibilita a melhoria da qualidade dos sistemas gerados, pois com o aproveitamento de conteúdos já existentes e testados anteriormente, é possível a criação de ambientes de e-learning com mais qualidade, rapidez e baixo custo. O objetivo desta pesquisa é auxiliar a normalização de conteúdos educacionais já existentes de forma semi-automática e sem necessidade de refazer o sistema de e-learning, permitindo que eles funcionem da forma que foram projetados e desenvolvidos, mas que seus conteúdos de aprendizagem, ou parte deles, possam ser reutilizados em novas soluções que respeitam a norma SCORM.
Abstract: In e-learning environments, promoting and stimulating the reuse of educational resources (reusability) diminishes the costs and at the same time improves the quality of the generated systems. The exploitation of already ex- isting and previously tested contents makes possible the creation of e-learning systems with more quality, low cost and shorter time. The objective of this model is to help the normalization of already existing educational contents in a simpler form and without the necessity of remaking e-learning system, allowing them to function in the way they have been projected and developed, however, in the way that its contents of learning, or part of them, can be reused in new solutions that respect SCORM standard.
Abstract: In e-learning environments, promoting and stimulating the reuse of educational resources (reusability) diminishes the costs and at the same time improves the quality of the generated systems. The exploitation of already ex- isting and previously tested contents makes possible the creation of e-learning systems with more quality, low cost and shorter time. The objective of this model is to help the normalization of already existing educational contents in a simpler form and without the necessity of remaking e-learning system, allowing them to function in the way they have been projected and developed, however, in the way that its contents of learning, or part of them, can be reused in new solutions that respect SCORM standard.
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