A experiência do Projeto Classificação de Software Livre Educativo (CLASSE)
Resumo: Este trabalho irá apresentar e descrever a experiência do “Projeto Classificação de Software Livre Educativo” (CLASSE), desenvolvido pelo Centro GeNESS da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, em parceria com a Escola Estadual Básica Simão José Hess, em Florianópolis/SC e financiado pelo Fundo Regional para a Inovação Digital na América Latina e Caribe (FRIDA - http://programafrida.net/pt). Este documento irá descrever o ambiente e os processos envolvidos na execução do projeto, e explicitará as ferramentas disponibilizadas à comunidade escolar. A princípio serão apresentados os antecedentes do projeto e o ambiente de trabalho, e em seguida o relato da experiência de trabalho junto aos docentes e discentes da instituição escolar.
Abstract: This work will present and describe the experience of the “Educational Free Software Classification Project ” , developed by the GeNESS center from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, in association with the public school EEB Simão José Hess, localized at Florianópolis/SC and sponsored by Regional Fund for Digital Innovation in the Latin America and Caribbean (FRIDA - http://programafrida.net/pt). This paper is going to describe project's development environment and process, and will explicit the softwares that had become available to the schoolar comunity. At the beginning, antecedents and work environment will be presented, followed by the work experience with teachers end pupils from the project partner school.
Abstract: This work will present and describe the experience of the “Educational Free Software Classification Project ” , developed by the GeNESS center from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, in association with the public school EEB Simão José Hess, localized at Florianópolis/SC and sponsored by Regional Fund for Digital Innovation in the Latin America and Caribbean (FRIDA - http://programafrida.net/pt). This paper is going to describe project's development environment and process, and will explicit the softwares that had become available to the schoolar comunity. At the beginning, antecedents and work environment will be presented, followed by the work experience with teachers end pupils from the project partner school.
Texto completo:
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2006.151-160