Generalizador Neural de Espaços de Aprendizagem em Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta um Sistema Tutor Inteligente baseado em redes neurais MLP (Perceptron Multi Camadas, do Inglês Multi Layer Perceptron), dotado de característica adaptativa e reativa, capaz de oferecer ensino personalizado e dinâmico. As características do perfil psicológico do aprendiz são utilizadas como elementos básicos da personalização, sendo complementadas por regras de especialistas, imprimindo o dinamismo necessário ao tutor. O sistema proposto (híbrido) foi desenvolvido para ambiente web no intuito de usufruir as vantagens que tal tecnologia oferece, tais como: alcance abrangente e portabilidade. A investigação acompanha o processo de desenvolvimento do tutor inteligente, inclusive do programa utilizado na coleta de dados, essencial no treinamento de redes neurais. O estudo expõe, inicialmente, as bases teóricas da caracterização de tipos psicológicos e a tecnologia de sistemas conexionistas. Três tipos de navegação (no conteúdo de um mesmo curso) são comparados empiricamente: livre (aprendiz controla totalmente sua navegação), aleatória (destinos são sorteados) e inteligente (destinos são determinados pelo sistema proposto: rede neural combinada com regras de especialistas). As análises (descritiva e inferencial) dos dados coletados indicam que a aplicação das técnicas propostas em sistemas tutores inteligentes é adequada, pois os resultados obtidos são significantes (ao nível de 5%) quanto a ganho normalizado de retenção (“melhoria de aprendizagem”), tempo total de navegação e número de visitações.
Abstract: This paper presents an Intelligent Tutoring System based on MLP (Multilayer Perceptron) neural networks. It is adaptive and reactive and has the ability to offer customized and dynamic teaching. Features of apprentice’s psychological profile are employed as basic elements of customization, and they are complemented by (human) expert rules. The proposed (hybrid) system is implemented on (internet) web environment to take advantages such as wide reach and portability. The investigation follows the development process of the intelligent tutor, including the software used for data collection, essential to the training of neural networks. Initially, theoretical bases are presented to characterize psychological profiles and the technology of connectionist systems. Three types of navigation (on course contents) are compared empirically: free (user has full control), random (user is controlled by chance) and intelligent (navigation is controlled by the proposed system: neural network combined with expert rules). Descriptive and inferential analysis of data indicate that the application of proposed techniques is adequate, based on (significant at 5%) results. The main aspects that have been studied are retention (“learning improvement”) normalized gain, navigation total user time and number of steps (length of visited content).
Abstract: This paper presents an Intelligent Tutoring System based on MLP (Multilayer Perceptron) neural networks. It is adaptive and reactive and has the ability to offer customized and dynamic teaching. Features of apprentice’s psychological profile are employed as basic elements of customization, and they are complemented by (human) expert rules. The proposed (hybrid) system is implemented on (internet) web environment to take advantages such as wide reach and portability. The investigation follows the development process of the intelligent tutor, including the software used for data collection, essential to the training of neural networks. Initially, theoretical bases are presented to characterize psychological profiles and the technology of connectionist systems. Three types of navigation (on course contents) are compared empirically: free (user has full control), random (user is controlled by chance) and intelligent (navigation is controlled by the proposed system: neural network combined with expert rules). Descriptive and inferential analysis of data indicate that the application of proposed techniques is adequate, based on (significant at 5%) results. The main aspects that have been studied are retention (“learning improvement”) normalized gain, navigation total user time and number of steps (length of visited content).
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