Kit Escola Livre: A indissociabilidade entre inclusão digital e software livre na sociedade contemporânea
Resumo: Na Sociedade Contemporânea, profundamente modificada pelo advento das Tecnologias de Rede, um processo específico de exclusão têm se apresentado como determinante para a manutenção dos papéis sociais, aquele que não inviabiliza o acesso às tecnologias, mas que determina diferentes formas de acesso para as diversas camadas sociais. Assim, a partir deste contexto se propõe a necessária ampliação do conceito de Inclusão Digital e se reflete sobre sua indissociável ligação com Software Livre e a filosofia que o fundamenta, elementos que serviram de base para a criação do Mutirão pela Inclusão Digital da Universidade de Passo Fundo e para o desenvolvimento do Kelix - Kit Escola Livre, uma distribuição GNU/Linux composta por softwares educacionais, voltada para iniciativas de informática educativa e inclusão digital.
Abstract: In a contemporary society, deeply modified for the advent of the net technologies, a specific process of exclusion has presented as determinative for the maintenance of the social papers, that does not make impracticable the access to this technologies, but determines different access forms for the diverse social classes. About these reflections, it's necessary to consider the extend the concept of Digital Inclusion, and reflects about your indissoluble conection with free software and the philosophy that bases it, elements that had served of base for the creation of the "Mutirão pela Inclusão Digital" of University of Passo Fundo, and for Kelix (Kit Escola Livre) development, a GNU/Linux distribution composed with educational softwares, directed for initiatives of educative informatics and digital inclusion.
Abstract: In a contemporary society, deeply modified for the advent of the net technologies, a specific process of exclusion has presented as determinative for the maintenance of the social papers, that does not make impracticable the access to this technologies, but determines different access forms for the diverse social classes. About these reflections, it's necessary to consider the extend the concept of Digital Inclusion, and reflects about your indissoluble conection with free software and the philosophy that bases it, elements that had served of base for the creation of the "Mutirão pela Inclusão Digital" of University of Passo Fundo, and for Kelix (Kit Escola Livre) development, a GNU/Linux distribution composed with educational softwares, directed for initiatives of educative informatics and digital inclusion.
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