Pessoas com Autismo em Ambientes Digitais de Aprendizagem: estudo dos processos de Interação Social e Mediação
Resumo: A partir de uma concepção sócio-histórica da interação social e considerando as Tecnologias de Comunicação e Informação (TICs) disponíveis atualmente para a construção de Ambientes Digitais de Aprendizagem (ADA) procurou-se sanar a inexistência de dados empíricos relativos ao fenômeno de interação social de pessoas autistas mediado pela tecnologia. A presente pesquisa propõe uma visão diferenciada sobre os processos de interação e mediação que se estabelecem em ambientes digitais. Estruturada como um estudo multicasos com observação de grupos de autistas em atividades de interação mediadas por ADAs ao longo de 3 anos identificaram-se categorias relevantes emergentes dessa mediação tecnológica com contribuições importantes para as areas envolvidas (Psicologia, Educação e Computação) na construção de um ambiente digital de aprendizagem especialmente projetado levando em conta os resultados obtidos.
Abstract: This work aims to supply the lack of empirical data relative to technological mediated social interaction of people with autism, based on a socio- historical perspective about social interaction and taking into account information and communications technology currently used in Digital Learning Environments (DLE). This research proposes another vision about how interaction and mediation processes are established in DLEs. This proposal is structured as a multi-case study with the observation of the DLE mediated interaction of several groups of autitic subjects in interaction during a 3-year period. Based on these observations where identified relevant analysis categories that emerge from the technological mediation and provide important contributions to related areas of Psychology, Education and Computer Science, and also can be used as guidelines for the construction of DLEs specially designed for people with social interaction problems.
Abstract: This work aims to supply the lack of empirical data relative to technological mediated social interaction of people with autism, based on a socio- historical perspective about social interaction and taking into account information and communications technology currently used in Digital Learning Environments (DLE). This research proposes another vision about how interaction and mediation processes are established in DLEs. This proposal is structured as a multi-case study with the observation of the DLE mediated interaction of several groups of autitic subjects in interaction during a 3-year period. Based on these observations where identified relevant analysis categories that emerge from the technological mediation and provide important contributions to related areas of Psychology, Education and Computer Science, and also can be used as guidelines for the construction of DLEs specially designed for people with social interaction problems.
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