Uma Plataforma de Teste para o Projeto Auditivo de Ambientes Virtuais 3D com Propósitos Educacionais
Resumo: Ambientes Virtuais 3D (AVs) têm muitas vantagens a serem exploradas sob o ponto de vista educacional. O fato de os AVs proporcionarem experiências multisensoriais, incluindo o sentido auditivo, é um diferencial da tecnologia da Realidade Virtual. Entretanto, o sentido auditivo tem sido pouco utilizado, não por falta de soluções tecnológicas, mas, pela dificuldade em responder “onde”, “qual”, “quando” e “porque” utilizá- lo. Este artigo apresentará uma infra-estrutura de testes que pode ser utilizada para experimentar diferentes respostas e avaliar o seu impacto em face dos resultados de aprendizagem. Assim, experiências de projeto poderão ser acumuladas como recomendações para AVs futuros.
Abstract: 3D Virtual Environments (VEs) have many advantages to be explored from the educational perspective. The fact that VEs can provide multisensorial experiences including the auditory one is a plus of the Virtual Reality technology. However, this sense has been barely used, not because of the lack of technological solutions but, because of the difficulty to answer “what”, “where”, “when” and “why” using such resource. This paper presents a testbed infrastructure that can be used to try out different setups towards learning results. Therefore, design experiences can be collected in the form of guidelines for future VEs.
Abstract: 3D Virtual Environments (VEs) have many advantages to be explored from the educational perspective. The fact that VEs can provide multisensorial experiences including the auditory one is a plus of the Virtual Reality technology. However, this sense has been barely used, not because of the lack of technological solutions but, because of the difficulty to answer “what”, “where”, “when” and “why” using such resource. This paper presents a testbed infrastructure that can be used to try out different setups towards learning results. Therefore, design experiences can be collected in the form of guidelines for future VEs.
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