AMADIS – Um Ambiente Virtual para apoio ao Desenvolvimento de Projetos de Aprendizagem
Resumo: O uso de ambientes virtuais convencionais para apoiar a pedagogia de projetos apresenta dificuldades para os alunos e uma sobrecarga para os professores, principalmente pela dificuldade de acompanhamento desses projetos. Visando oferecer uma alternativa que facilite a utilização da pedagogia de projetos de aprendizagem com o apoio de ambientes virtuais, concebeu-se o AMADIS, um ambiente para suporte à Pedagogia de Projetos. O ambiente apresentado já foi objeto de várias implementações, utilizadas em atividades educacionais, dando origem à concepção que aqui apresentamos.
Abstract: The use of conventional virtual environments to suport the projects’ pedagogy carries some difficulties for students and it causes a work overload for teachers, mainly due to the difficulties in keeping track of these projects. In order to offer an alternative way to facilitate the learning projects’ pedagogy with the suport of virtual environments, it has been developed AMADIS, which is an environment to suport specifically this pedagogy. The presented environment has already been implemented in several instances for educational purposes, inspiring the conception presented here.
Abstract: The use of conventional virtual environments to suport the projects’ pedagogy carries some difficulties for students and it causes a work overload for teachers, mainly due to the difficulties in keeping track of these projects. In order to offer an alternative way to facilitate the learning projects’ pedagogy with the suport of virtual environments, it has been developed AMADIS, which is an environment to suport specifically this pedagogy. The presented environment has already been implemented in several instances for educational purposes, inspiring the conception presented here.
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