A BRUXARIA: atividades digitais voltadas para a Pré-escola
Resumo: O presente artigo pretende mostrar qual a base teórica e como as atividades digitais de A Bruxaria foram desenvolvidas, assim como refletir sobre a utilização dessas atividades digitais na prática pedagógica educativa de crianças da pré-escola. As atividades de A Bruxaria envolvem o lúdico e a fantasia a partir da personagem bruxa. O objeto desenvolvido foi construído utilizando o software de autoria Flash MX da Macromedia com a linguagem ActionScript.
Abstract: This article aims at presenting which theoretical framework and how the digital activities were developed in The Bruxaria software as well as reflect upon the utilization of those digital activities in the pedagogic praxis with pre-school children. The activities proposed by The Bruxaria involve fantasy and the ludic, performed by the character witch. This object has been created by utilizing Macromedia FLASH MX authorship software based on the ActionScript language.
Abstract: This article aims at presenting which theoretical framework and how the digital activities were developed in The Bruxaria software as well as reflect upon the utilization of those digital activities in the pedagogic praxis with pre-school children. The activities proposed by The Bruxaria involve fantasy and the ludic, performed by the character witch. This object has been created by utilizing Macromedia FLASH MX authorship software based on the ActionScript language.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie.sbie.2005.276-286