Um ambiente virtual para apoiar a aprendizagem na área de direito: uma arquitetura CSCW com recursos multiagente para simulação de júri
Resumo: O trabalho que vamos apresentar se encaixa no grupo das tecnologias que serão acrescentadas ao processo de ensino somando recursos às técnicas tradicionais. O ambiente é uma arquitetura CSCW com apoio multiagente que irá permitir aos professores e alunos, candidatos ao bacharelado de direito, passarem pela vivência de um júri simulado em ambiente telemático, o que vem antecipar uma vivência que até então só ocorria de forma presencial e como recurso final do processo didático tradicional.
Abstract: This work is within the context of technology-supported teaching-learning processes, which tie new resources to traditional pedagogical tools. A CSCW architecture and a multiagent support system are used to provide Law teachers and students with the effective possibility of permitting jury simulations in a telematic learning environment. These simulations will contribute to anticipate an experience which would only take place in presential teaching and as end-of-course traditional activity.
Abstract: This work is within the context of technology-supported teaching-learning processes, which tie new resources to traditional pedagogical tools. A CSCW architecture and a multiagent support system are used to provide Law teachers and students with the effective possibility of permitting jury simulations in a telematic learning environment. These simulations will contribute to anticipate an experience which would only take place in presential teaching and as end-of-course traditional activity.
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