Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta o estado atual do desenvolvimento do Clube Virtual de Ciências (CVC), que se caracteriza como um ambiente de auxílio à aprendizagem, a ser utilizado por alunos e professores do Ensino Fundamental e Médio. O projeto básico do CVC possui como principais recursos: a Biblioteca Virtual, que servirá como um repositório de trabalhos; o Catálogo de Projetos, usado para incentivar o desenvolvimento de trabalhos cooperativos; os Laboratórios Virtuais, que são uma série de aplicativos para simulação de experimentos; e o Banco de Desafios, que se compõe de testes para avaliação e acompanhamento da aprendizagem. Uma primeira versão foi desenvolvida, porém optou-se por migrar o código para a plataforma GNU/Linux, possibilitando ao trabalho melhores condições para divulgação e utilização.
Abstract: This work presents the current state of the Virtual Club of Science (VCS) development, which is characterized as an environment of support for the learning process, to be used by students and teachers of the high school. The basic project of VCS has as main resources: the Virtual Library that serves as a repository of works; the Catalog of Projects used to motivate the development of cooperative works; the Virtual Laboratories that is a set of applications for experiments simulation; and the Challenges module that is composed of tests for learning evaluation and accompaniment. A first version was developed, however it was we decided to migrate the code for the GNU/Linux platform, with the objective of enhancing the conditions for its propagation and use.
Abstract: This work presents the current state of the Virtual Club of Science (VCS) development, which is characterized as an environment of support for the learning process, to be used by students and teachers of the high school. The basic project of VCS has as main resources: the Virtual Library that serves as a repository of works; the Catalog of Projects used to motivate the development of cooperative works; the Virtual Laboratories that is a set of applications for experiments simulation; and the Challenges module that is composed of tests for learning evaluation and accompaniment. A first version was developed, however it was we decided to migrate the code for the GNU/Linux platform, with the objective of enhancing the conditions for its propagation and use.
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