Uma abordagem assíncrona à modelagem colaborativa
Resumo: Na última década, o projeto de ambientes de aprendizagem por descoberta colaborativa vem recebendo cada vez mais atenção. Tal perspectiva de projeto vem trazer aos estudantes a oportunidade de colaboração durante a construção de um modelo para representar suas observações e seus entendimentos acerca de um domínio. Atualmente, trabalhamos no projeto de uma arquitetura para dar suporte ao processo colaborativo e assíncrono de modelagem, permitindo a um estudante trabalhar tanto individualmente quanto contribuir para a construção de um acordo coletivo de maneira estruturada.
Abstract: In the last decade, the design of collaborative discovery learning environments has received increasing attention. Such a design perspective brings up for learners the opportunity of collaborating while building models to represent their understanding and observations within a domain. We are currently working on the design of an architecture to support an asynchronous and collaborative modeling process, allowing a student both to work individually and to contribute to the construction of a collective agreement on a structured manner.
Abstract: In the last decade, the design of collaborative discovery learning environments has received increasing attention. Such a design perspective brings up for learners the opportunity of collaborating while building models to represent their understanding and observations within a domain. We are currently working on the design of an architecture to support an asynchronous and collaborative modeling process, allowing a student both to work individually and to contribute to the construction of a collective agreement on a structured manner.
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