An Animated Pedagogical Agent supporting student learning using performance analysis from a Fuzzy Agent

Gustavo Mateus, Beatriz Wilges, Daniel Diniz, Silvia Nassar, Vilson Wronscki, Renato Cislaghi


This paper presents a framework made up of agents that promote monitoring of the learning process in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) On the other hand. From the results of student performance in the VLE it was possible to perform the mapping of performance on formal tests. Having this mapping it is possible to evaluate whether the decision-making from the Fuzzy Agent (FA) is consistent with the intervention that the interface agent performs. The interface agent is an Animated Pedagogical Agent (APA) which has a specific behavior according to student performance, it is intended to transmit the messages to the student so it can track and monitor the whole learning process in the Virtual Learning Environment.

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